The Guy on the completed Bridge

17's great but i can't wait for 18!
15 February
Likes entertainment-related stuff! Has to start studying. A LOT.

Bridging Worlds

+Ben K's
+Cheryl Cher's
+Chris's Cheese
+Chu's (arakkon)
+Han An's
+Jia Wei's
+Joseph Martin's
+Ken Wei's
+Kong Yew's
+Ms Goh's
+Nat's (ah xian!)
+Porky Nick's


Dreaming With a Broken Heart by John Mayer. This song really puts you at peace.
I'm learning how to play it, haha.

design by

Thanks to >> Jeeohdee

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Juggling which Responsibilities?

Music: U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own

Its been a long time since I wrote something here but I've
been feeling rather exhausted since the holidays start, ironically.
I don't feel like its a holiday honestly. Holidays are meant for one
to destress and at least get some form of reprive. But instead I'm
grudgingly forced into going for ncc activites. For three, or maybe
now four, days in a row. Its amazing and the 'working hours' are
longer than school hours on a typical school day. Now in fact I'm
more tired, more sleepy, less liberated and equally stressed - or
another way to put it: "headached" - then I usually would be.

What more do they demand from us?

I don't ever recall cca being a criteria in almost any other country
in the world. Is there something different or perhaps unnatural
about Singapore's education system? Since the adults work
overtime, perhaps we too have to stretch ourselves. To me that's
a pretty bizarre rationale. The holidays are merely there to allocate
anything that could not be accomplished during the school term. =(

On a random note though, check out Christopher Walken in Fatboy
Slim's Weapon of Choice MTV. Highly amusing.

I crossed the bridge at 6:15 PM

Friday, March 04, 2005

Life so simply spontaneous

Music: Stereophonics - Dakota

And without rest we all continue to slog through life.

With some form of experience, I acknowledge that it
is almost certainly impossible to perform for your tests
and exams without establishing a proper, detailed schedule
to follow. And to make sure you complete certain tasks in
a day ensures that you finish your work on time, complete
all responsibilities and prevent any mishap from occuring.

But what cost does this come with? Would the lack of spontaneity
kill off our creativity and turn us into textbook-reliant rote learners?
But at the same time, would not the presence of spontaneity
develop a careless attitude to studying and academic results?

Or do we just need to learn how to moderate certain aspects
of our life?

The academic awards presentation leaves me a sense of guilt.
Guilt that I could not have tried to do better, work harder,
be more attentive in class. Just watching those that I knew
had a more definite purpose in life gives me an inordinate
amount of remorse. However, similarly in turn, I find that
there's a hope I can hold on to. By taking control and changing
perspective. One that looks forward in a positive manner and
not to dwell on the minor, trivial unfortunate events that could
easily spoil one's day but yet are not worth brooding over.

Sometimes spontaneity can go a long way to making one's day
though. Like doing something unexpected but to be careful
and guarantee it will not get in the way of your focus. Thus,
I have to thank javier for the trip. It really helped destress.

And so I return to the subtle monotony of school.

I crossed the bridge at 10:41 PM