The Guy on the completed Bridge

17's great but i can't wait for 18!
15 February
Likes entertainment-related stuff! Has to start studying. A LOT.

Bridging Worlds

+Ben K's
+Cheryl Cher's
+Chris's Cheese
+Chu's (arakkon)
+Han An's
+Jia Wei's
+Joseph Martin's
+Ken Wei's
+Kong Yew's
+Ms Goh's
+Nat's (ah xian!)
+Porky Nick's


Dreaming With a Broken Heart by John Mayer. This song really puts you at peace.
I'm learning how to play it, haha.

design by

Thanks to >> Jeeohdee

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Save. Destroy. Lives.

Annie Lennox - Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

Our generic purpose to help or hinder? I watched War of the Worlds
on Friday with javier and sean, expecting quite a lot out of it. I wouldn't
really say it excelled in all the criterion of a good movie, but there were
many aspects that made it an enjoyable and rather remarkable movie.

Firstly, the decision to make it more of a movie on a family level was
great. It was definitely a refreshing and original change from the usual
cliched display of maganimous characters such as presidents, politicians,
scientists, heroes etc. sitting down together in a room and musing on the
various ways to save the world. Instead, they simply decided to show
what any ordinary albeit conflicted family would have done in such a
situation. How they would react to an impending armageddon. And
perhaps both the good (how cruise's character changed from being
narcissistic towards his children to become a wonderful dad that tried
desparately to protect his children
) and bad (a really frightening depiction
of a chaotic crowd when the family drives into a town with people truly
desparate for a working car
) side of human nature.

Although many critics find that it was unnecessary to a movie of such
apocalyptic nature to reflect the strengths and weaknesses of human instinct,
I honestly see no harm in doing so. After all, who's to say something like this
won't ever happen?

There are also many great scary moments in the movie which truly reflect
the atmosphere and tension surrounding the alien invasion portrayed in the movie.
And mind-blowing special effects aside, the acting's pretty good too. I agree with
Sean that Dakota Fanning's screaming throughout the movie was really annoying!
XD Although her role as the quintessential daughter was believable and if I might
say, an important factor in helping to create the tension in the movie.

Aside from the mayhem, the weekend's Live 8 concert was a blast. Performances
by a wide variety of acts like Madonna, Coldplay, Destiny's Child, U2, Stereophonics,
Green Day and Annie Lennox were full of energy. And the message to help save
Africa was also truly touching. But as the mega- concert came to an end, I couldn't
help wondering if all their efforts in encouraging the public to support the cause
would be in vain. Whether the G8 leaders would actually bother to respond to their
call. After all, there are always many other issues they are facing that would be
a priority on their list. And besides, a similar effort 20 years ago - Live Aid - did not
really do much to help convince world leaders to change the poverty that is still
present in the country. So what would it take? Compassion without hesitation.

And a beautiful soul.

I crossed the bridge at 11:09 AM